To Noa Yerushalmi
Its been two years since w have completed my personal coaching program. Two years in which the experience of being coached is still beating in my heart, and breakthroughs keep on
To be a manager is to deal, daily, with the personal inhibitions that stem from fears, emotional blockage and self image.
With your help I got coaching on all of these on a functional and personal level.
We set upfront personal goals together with improving daily functioning. On the personal level we chose the relationship in the family, expressing feelings, sharing with others, acknowledging and finally personal relationship. On the fimctional level we chose the use of charisma, being with audience, managing meetings effectively and distributing authorities . In all of those I had a o breakthrough, I found the goal combination as a winning combination for mac “fhe tools you have provided me with to test and train myself have left me with the ability to keep on and make progress with myself still now.
If I compare between the way I feel and act today and the way it was prior to the coaching program, there is a tremendous relief in achieving goals that I set for myself, my effectiveness has gone up, my personal stress is now low, and my overall feeling is relaxed and rested, in way that allows me developing personal relationships and being open to others, and in summation I produce more from the people around me.
If not going through this in my own flesh, I wouldn’t of believed that it is possible to make such changes in an adult in 3 months.
I thank you again from the bottom of my heart, please use this letter as a recommendation letter,
Its is an honor for me.
With appreciation and admiration,
Dear Noa,
I would like to thank you for an unusual life experience that Ive had with you , which at its end I felt that I have made a breakthrough on a personal , managerial, spiritual and philosophical level.
In our work I've expanded my “tool box”, which is something that helped me significantly in all areas of my life, especially in the field of management that has become complicated due to the global crisis. A personal vision, getting focused and the good energies are my key words today.
I put the frustration and stucknesses aside.
With your intuition you've succeeded “to read” and understand me. Your sensitivity and intelligence on the one hand and with firmness/insistence/decisiveness/((on the other , you’ve helped me look into myself, to define the obstacles , to analyse my feelings, to define the various alternatives for the solution, to choose the suitable one and finally to implement it and be at peace with it.
In the coaching period , Ive experienced for the first time, an enriching spiritual experience and with it, the program was very practical and business like. You knew how not to give up on me when I was in my stuck, and to keep giving me homework and demand results.
In a perspective of six months I define myself as a more focused manager, measuring myself and my surroundings, committed to results, looking in the mirror, confronting reality even if it is not pleasant , empowering my workers. I feel good about myself , my family and my working environment.
The coaching program I have done has a great contribution to this current situation.
Every manager or person who has yet to experience the personal coaching ( and especially for cynics who have seen it all) I would like to recommend the managers coaching program .
It might lead you to places youve havent known but had a hard time reaching.
With great appreciation
Noa shalom,
The personal coaching Ive experience was for me a true partnership in which we touched the main issues which I chose to cope/deal with.
Matters, that within the race of life and career I would of probably would keep avoiding from giving them the attention which they deserve.
Matters which have a fundamental/ essential Influence on the way that I function and the way me and those around me feel.
In my coaching meetings I chose to focus on interpersonal relationships , and I experienced “simple listening”, giving feedback, receiving feedback , and more.
The practice and home work demanded effort on my side, but brought with it surprising and improving experience.
Noa is a very professional and skilled coach., She succeeded to navigate/ lead in the coaching workshop in an intensive , effective and focused way which brought it to a very successful ending.
The coaching I went through has brought to specific measurable results in terms of the feedback I receive from my colleagues. On a personal level the coaching contributed a sense of fulfilment , in that I made a desi ion and chose to go through a not easy process of personal coaching with Noa.
And for that a big thank you!
To those of you who have second thoughts/ doubts I recommend “ lo lephached klal” not to be afraid at all/ be fearless as to, and dare and touch those things that block us or hinders/ delays us from having a breakthrough. And going forward.
Dear Noa Yerushalmi,
I came to the coaching program because I felt I was stuck. I wasn't realising myself not lוving my life fully. My goal was to make a change in my life in various areas: career, relationship with friends, family, the opposite sex and most of all..with myself.
I never would have believed a total change was possible in my situation. In our first coaching meeting, Noa asked me to dream, to imagine, to see myself after the change. I described things that were beyond reason to me, and found it difficult to make the move from an imaginary world to the real one. I left our meeting very confused, unable to understand why I was” flying high”, actually feeling in “ fantasy land” where I was perfectly happy and satisfied.
Today, having completed Noa’s coaching program, I am closer to the place I envisioned: the relationship with my family is great. We are completely honest with each other. We are loving , authentic, understanding and accepting.
The biggest change was in my relationship with my brother. We are now good and loving friends who wish the best for each other and maintain a close connection.
In addition I have lost weight and feel wonderful with myself. I love dressing up and buying myself cloths ( no longer the nightmare it used to be). On my to lose some more weight happily and out of great love for myself.
I have moved into my dream home that gives me great joy. It is the perfect apartment in my favourite location. I can now meet my friends on a daily basis and have many friends that I love who love me too.
I am leaving my job and am on my way to a new, challenging and rewarding one.
Even the unbelievable has happened…I am dating a charming man!! My attitude toward men has changed: it is now open and accepting. Even as I write these words I still cannot believe this has all happened. My heart beats in excitement.
I used to lack self confidence, fear change and avoid risks. Today I have much more confidence in myself. I know all I have to do is dream, understand what it is that I want and then set out to accomplish it. I believe in myself and know I can and deserve to live my life as I want to,make the most out of it and enjoy the road towards any goal.
Noa has given me so much. She has helped me understand what it is I want, what I like, what is suitable for me, what is a breakthrough for me, what makes my heart beat with excitement. Noa has taught me to love myself, achieve my goals out of love and enthusiasm and not out of fear and pressure. There is no good or bad, right or wrong. What works for me, what suits my needs and values, is good.
From her perspective she was my Coach. From mine she's been a friend. She was enthusiastic at every stage and with every breakthrough , along with me, and even when things did not work out, we tried to understand why without any pressure or disappointment , we just moved forward.
This is my chance to say thank you. It has been a pleasure knowing you, knowing myself, and learning the road and tools to fulfilling my dreams. I am now in a place I could never have dreamed of, with strength, confidence, motivation and the knowledge that all I will ask for will be realised.
Thank you !
After a couple of weeks this email arrived:
I am still dating Gilad, he is lovely. I am having fun and am very happy. I have also left my old job and about to begin a new one this coming Sunday. It is my dream job and I do not exaggerate when I say it has everything I wished for myself in my vision for my professional future. It even pays better! The people are great, it is a young group, very much like a has independence and upward mobility, it has everything I need and I am flying high. It has been a long and agonising process but I was finally accepted.
Everything I've asked for has come to be. I am happy and cannot stop thinking positively, preparing, knowing there is nothing I can't do. Thank you for everything.
I, of course will remember you always.
I am 27 years old, musician, composer and a performer in various fields.
I came to Noa for therapy thorough Rimon School and had meetings with her for a few months during most of the studying year period.
I chose to work with Noa sinceI felt that a rapport and a good connection were made, and that she understands the dilemmas that I present her with, in issues that have to do with music and all else.
Noa has been a listening ear and supporter during a crisis I was going through.
As a result of our sessions, Ive experienced changes in the ways I've perceived myself and others: Ive learned to be more forgiving towards myself and less of a perfectionist.
Ive learned to trust myself and to allow others’ opinions to influence me less.
The sessions have strengthened me and helped me ‘give a chance’ to myself and a relationship.
In Noa’s personality there are acceptance , openness , relating to things in a serious manner and at the same time with an ease ,all which have helped me to create a trusting relationship with her and helped me to accomplish these goals.
To Noa Yerushalmi
Dear Noa,
First I would like to thank you for your listening, your effort, the tools you provided and the ‘push’ that you gave me to realize the power in me to actualize the goals that I set for myself.
A spiritual teacher/mentor tells you what you already knew but didn’t have the words to express it, and you were a spiritual teacher for me. Sometimes, without knowing, you told me simple things, naive like, that brought a new light to the way I deal with my world, that made me understand what I already knew.
Its not just about your knowledge and your great experience which make you a great coach, you galso have this extra something, that one can call intuition, sixth sense, or the ability to see anog sense beyond words, behind the screens.
With your help and guidance I redeďŹned my goals in the personal area and for the company, and with the tools that you provided me with, we’ve enrolled all the managers and workers in the company to enthusiasm, action and surprising breakthroughs.
To any manager who thinks he has nothing to learn, I recommend to listen to the gold. Noa will know to direct you to it.
With love and appreciation,
I know Noa Yerushalmi since she started to giving psychological therapy to the students of Rimon school of music , within the frame work of the psychological services we provide our students with.
During these years I've encountered in Noa wonderful qualities, both personal and professional.
Knowing Noa, I never hesitated to approach her when we needed team coaching workshop to our school office staff.
The goal of this workshop was to help create team spirit, to raise the moral of the staff and cultivate a sense of belonging, commitment and solidarity with school.
After just a few sessions, one can say that the workshop has been a successful beyond any expectation. A new and positive atmosphere is now present in our work environment thanks to Noa's personality and professionalism.
Noa managed to provide a personal solution to each and every staff member and help solve the interpersonal issues that were present in our staff prior to the coaching workshop.
On a personal note I can say that Noa has provided me with different perspectives and additional ways to solve problems, that for some I never knew have existed, and for the others I didn't know how to solve.
Noa is a pleasant mannered with a sense of humour, she connects and developed genuine connections fast, responsible and with a high standard of work ethics. All of which she easily combines with her professional work which is being performed on the highest possible standard.
In case of any questions, I'd be happy to make myself available.
My name is Harel, 28. I am a product manager in an import export company.
I came to a meeting with Noa following a recommendation I received. I chose to work with her because after our very first sessions, I felt it was the right way to go.
In her personality there are components of truth, understanding and wisdom.
I was in therapy for two years. From our conversations I understood that problems would not disappear instantly, but that one can feel good and vivacious and to return to a good and comfortable life.
The changes that have occurred in me since we started therapy have to do with self acceptance, my ability to cope with anxieties, feeling at ease around friends . These changes allow me to live my life more at ease.
In the past , I did not believe in the effectiveness of therapy.
Through the therapy process I discovered I can be extraordinarily sensitive and learned to accept myself with these sensitivities / as a sensitive guy.
I went from a place of denial and pretence to a place of truth. Which helped me get over stress and anxiety.
With my partner, I allow my self to be with no masks, with my parents I went through a change in which I let them know my shortcomings, and accept them with theirs. I am more at ease with receiving criticism around the people I work with.
I thank Noa for the devoted and effective therapy I received from her.
נועה הייתה לי אוזן קשבת ותומכת בעת משבר. כתוצאה מהמפגשים איתה, חוויתי שינויים בתפיסה שלי את עצמי ואת האחרים: למדתי להיות סלחנית יותר לעצמי ופחות פרפקציוניסטית, למדתי לסמוך על עצמי ולתת לדעתם של אחרים להשפיע עליי פחות. הפגישות חיזקו אותי, ועזרו לי "לתת צ'אנס" לעצמי ולמערכת יחסים. באישיותה של נועה יש מרכיבים של קבלה, פתיחות, התייחסות בכובד ראש בד בבד עם קלילות שסייעו לי ליצור איתה קשר עם אמון, ועזרו לי להגיע למטרות הנ"לI am happy to recommend on the Personal Coaching Program for Executives being led by Noa Yerushalmi.
Noa has been working with our company over a year as a coach for executives.
We are witnessing the great transformation that happens with the executives she is working o’ith. The transformation shows in the high level of vitality at work, in producing unexpected?)
J results in the areas of management and personal relationships.
Due to the apparent results of her work with our managers’ we have decided to broaden her activities with more managers within INFINEON.
I have no doubt that Noa Yerushalmi can contribute and do a great job with managers in any organization she will work in.
I warmly recommend working with her, and I am sure that her work with managers contributes
in a direct manner to the success of the company.
with great respect,
My name is A.D. I 51 years old, since 2014 I own a Yoga and Pilates studio in Tel Aviv.
I began working with Noa after having seen her on Television. I chose to work with her because I was very impressed by her abilities and wanted to open a business. I spent a year and three months in her business coaching.
As a result of the work with Noa I managed to advance in every aspect of my life. I came to Noa in a difficult time in my life. Noa’s coaching helped me , first and foremost to believe in life , in the powers I have to create change, to succeed and live happily. Despite of a very painful life reality. I've learned to feel and accept myself. I reached an understanding that I have a choice in every situation. I learned to draw boundaries, make new connections, strengthen existing ones, and affect my reality and reconnect with my family after years of estrangement.
My business grew, coaching gave me the proper and efficient working tools to run my business in a professional manner.
Thanks to the coaching process and the establishment of a business, I enjoyed satisfaction , joy and stability which paved the way to economic independence and self fulfilment. Opening a studio was a realisation of a long time dream. My self confidence grew, I connected with my emotions, my essence and therefore enjoyed deciding what was good for me.
The main purposes achieved were: a belief in life, a belief in my strength, starting a business that gives me pleasure, fulfilment and joy every day, the beginning of a financial independence and the realisation of a dream.
Before working with Noa, I never trusted my abilities to achieve anything., or my right to choose, to realise my dreams, to support and fulfil my potential. Through the work with Noa I discovered many things about myself. Our sessions were,surprising, intriguing, innovative, diverse, efficient and flowing. They brought out the best and ere very empowering.
With Noa I felt the sky is the limit both as far as business success was concerned and in life inI general.
Noa’s process is unique because it flows in endless riverting innovative and enjoyable creativity. The sessions are packed with efficient professionalism along with humour. Noa is well versed coach in a wide range of fields. She flows with her trainee, and empowering them. Thanks to the coaching sessions I overcame many difficulties, I learned how to reduce drama, act creatively, and handle sadness without panic. I learned how to “get up” and move on.
I learned how to channel my feelings and how to manage them rather than having them manage me. I learned how to experience those feelings accepting what must be accepted with stability , inner peace and love.
Noa taught me how to listen to a client, give him the response suited for his needs and at the same time be assertive and creative in the solutions I offered. She taught me how to be busy doing rather that being busy with the drama of things.
I connected with many facet’s of Noa’s personality such as her vision, her immense creativity, flexible mind, wonderful sense of humour, efficiency, love for man- kind, love of her profession, integrity , honesty, vast amounts of empathy, enjoyment in her work and unyielding professionalism. All those and more helped me start a successful business : my charming Yoga and Pilates studio which is being run with love, joy and professionalism.
Working with Noa helped me overcome many obstacles, face a major life crisis that has lasted for years, succeed in feeling and experiencing the here and now, smile, enjoy, believe in life and rise up from the lowest pits.
Noa’s method includes a strong, deep and honest, inner faith that is relayed to her trainee. It has a vision and a broad scope, deep emotions and simple words. It brings you to new and beautiful places of growth while enjoying every session!. A gifted coach!
I am deeply grateful for everything I received during the training sessions with Noa and her capacity to give with love.
With much gratitude and appreciation,
My name is Zohar and Im in my fifties. I have gotten to know Noa through my working place and I came to her for a short term therapy which consisted of six meetings , attending my need to relate specifically to a separation crisis I was going through.
The sessions with Noa had me perceive the separation from new angels and have enabled me to cope with it in an easier way.
Noa is a skilled and empathic therapist. I loved the sessions which undoubtedly helped me reach a new place and a better one with myself.
The coaching program is designed to people who wish to make a change in their lives. For me, the two powerful
1) Acquiring a set of tools that enables a different interpretation to reality. With the same facts the same reality gets to be seen in another way.
2) With the help of these tools I actually created a different reality.
3)When I began the program with Noa I was ‘energy less’ even though my life appeared expected and normal on the outside. With the help of the coaching program Ive created a new reality.
I went on a long trip abroad by myself. For me it was a significant challenge. My relationships with my parents and sisters changed utterly: from being emotionally charged to being close and tolerant. I did many other things like free falling, horseback riding, writing workshop. I was exposed to a vast literature that I havent know before. I brought many dreams close to realisation.
From where I stood,, the most significant thing in the program was the change of how the environment related to me as a reaction to the changes I went through. The new approach I was carrying , the new way of seeing things has caused change with whoever was in my proximity.
Everybody experienced growth, openness or a positive change in their lives just because of the change in me. That was an exceptional phenomena in my eyes .
For me the end of the program was a starting point. Ive learned from Noa on the existence of these tools. With their help Im going on an independent path.
Thank you, Ravit Tayeb
My name is Kalman Livne. FOR THE LAST 8 years I am manager industrial factiry owned by 3 partners. The Organization is characterised by continuous growth /development, growth in profit and lately in an strategic mahal act which included the merging of an additional factory, we went to a new field of activity . The year 2006 will end in a 40 % growth sales income in comparison to the year before / last year.
In the last few years I am busy with the question: what makes a difference?
What is between a leading Organization in its field and other organiAtions?
Also I dwell with the question how does one create balance with me as a a manager with me as a family man/guy and society persona?
With these questions I started the coaching program with Noa Yerushalmi a year and a half ago.
I chose the basic coaching program and then chose to continue with another program that Noa has suggested. I'm still being coached today, however not on a regular basis.
What I have gained from the coaching program:
The courage to change : I overcame my need to please my superiors. I learned to make a clear distinction between the relationship to my employees and the good for the Organization .
In the last year I have generated ... Organisational changes which enable it to be prepared for the coming breakthrough ( which is already at our doorstep). Noa was by my side during/ in the midst of these changes and has helped me to make the right distinctions and to enroll the board of managers and management to support these modifications/ changes/ transformation.
E.g. I've decided to generate a few changes in the organisational structure, in addition/ as well as/ including some extreme/with far reaching consequences personel changes, inspite of expected resistance from workers and managers, since during the coaching I understood that these changes have to occur if/ a business breakthrough should take place/ I want to lead to a business breakthrough.
A leadership of another sort for me and my manager colleagues – I've introduce Noa with our company,s management and following that meeting we've designed a plan to change the patterns of our leadership. The result : Now the management team is working in harmony, the quality of discussion and decision making have improved, and above all all the managers stand and back up the desicion said and the quality of performance.. Today I feel confident that I lead a winning team.
E.g. The great partners of Rion have lately made a decision, following a campaigns which we managed my colleague managers and me, to invest big sums of money in the broadening of our line of production.
Balance between career and personal life – in such a fast growing Organization a manager tends to get addicted to work ( In my case this tendency has to do with personal traits).
We fave this topic a significant attention/ amount of time.
The result: I chose a field of sport which I persist with and enjoy immensely . I spend more time and mostly more attentive to my family and to myself.
My name is A.D. I am 51 years old, since 2014 I own a Yoga and Pilates studio in Tel Aviv.
I began working with Noa after having seen her on Television . I chose to work with her because I was very impressed by her abilities and wanted to open a business. I spent a year and three months in her business coaching.
As a result of the work with Noa I managed advance in every aspect of my life. I came to Noa in a difficult time in my life. Noa’s coaching helped first and foremost, to believe in life, in the powers I have within me to create change, to succeed in living happily, despite of a very painful life reality.
Training or focused guidance for managers in groups is often a general framework that usually provides managers with methodological tools for action of some manager in some complex Organization. Such guidance allows managers to gradually make progress to a certain extent in accordance with the Organization framework dictation.or thought what is perceived by the manager as organization’s limitations that cannot be changed.
The personal coaching is completely different. As opposed to
There is a relating to the manager as an individual that owns personal characteristics. These are being diagnosed by the personal coach and the coach guides the manager to
After having being coached personally by Noa Yerushalmi, I've learned that in fact there are no boundaries to what one can accomplish within the Organization and elsewhere, regardless of its size or its complexity, or the professional background of the manager.
For managers who deal with complex assignments, in changing environment , the personal coaching challenges to set goals for themselves and for the organisation beyond what they initially perceive as possible. The personal coaching program guides you to set personal goals and on the other hand to see the big picture of the organization's goals and to act so that both be realised.
After being coached by Noa, things become simple to apply, and are being accepted by the manager and the Organization as a standard that there are no boundaries, there are only new peaks that one should aspire and and reach.
In 2005 Ive hired Noa Yerushalmi’s coaching services in order to improve my business abilities and to fulfil myself as a manager in a excellent way.
With Noa, I defined and set my aspirations and goals.
The coaching with Noa exceeded all my expectations when Ive created achievements in areas in which I hadnt intended to change anything. In fact, I redefined my priorities, I warmly recommend Noa as a business coach. Noa is excellent in identifying points of weakness and building processes that aim to solve situations or create new possibilities that we often tend to avoid seeing. The coaching is difficult and demanding, and for those who are willing to do the work , a full value of achievements awaits them.
The coaching has made me see my self and my environment in a new way, and has caused theoretical knowledge to become practical. The coaching encourages action and Noa knows well how to define goals and also to raise the bar in different areas.
In time Coaching changes us people in a positive way , and causes us to see the possibility to create the change we are interested in.
I warmly recommend Noa Yerushalmi as an business management coach.
With much respect